Headshots vs. Personal Branding. What is the difference?
Almost everyone needs a headshot nowadays but what is branding photography and do you really need it? Let’s first look at the difference.
So what do you need, headshots or a branding session?
Since we now know that a headshot session is pretty different then branding photos there are some things to consider before making a decision on which session is right for you.
Is your job behind the scenes?
You may only need a headshot if you can use the same photo to go on your company's website or an internal directory. It is important to note that if you use social media to grow a community of online followers then you still may want more than just a headshot.
Which leads me to my next question… Do you need to be visible to your clients or future clients?
If you are a business owner or in a sales type job then a branding session is your best bet. Having a library of images to pull from will ensure that you stay seen and present even when not working directly with your clients everyday.
Showing up digitally is a great way to build trust and stay relevant with unique branded content. When people see you or your brand online they are more likely to remember you increasing your chances of showcasing your expertise, creating trust and building stronger relationships. People spend money on people they like, know and trust so the more you share of yourself the better
For the solo-prenuer
If you are a one man show and the success of your business is completely up to you, then a branding session is absolutely what you need. With our social platforms expanding and the need for content increasing, you want as many photos as you can get to showcase who you are and what you offer.
We are very visual creatures and images are the best way to build a recognizable brand. Your personal brand is like a business asset and the more you build it the more valuable it becomes.
But posting content to social media is hard.
Yes it is. But the more photos you have to pull from the easier it gets. If you need to kickstart your social media game then a branding session is a must.
If you choose to do a branding session with me then we will make a list of all the different ways your clients can get to know you and the specific content that might go along with that. Do you take the dog on long walks to clear your head? Then let’s go on a walk and take some action shots that are true to life while also crafting some detailed shots of the path you are on and of course a cute portrait of your pup. One these images are in your brand library you will the be able to pull from them on a daily and keep our content fresh and new!
If you would like more information about personal branding sessions or headshots don’t hesitate to reach out. I am here with you every step of the way.